ABATE of Colorado
Legislation is the primary concern of a State Motorcycle Rights Organization (SMRO) and the State Legislative Affairs Officer is taxed with the following duties: 1) staying current on state and federal legislation affecting motorcycling; 2) advise the Board of Directors (Board) and District Legislative Officers of such legislation; 3) take actions recommended by the Board; 4) initiate and attend meetings with legislators, politicians, and other interested parties and report on such meetings to the Board; and 5) organize lobbying and issue legislative alerts.
ABATE of Colorado is a family of motorcycle enthusiasts who love riding, no matter the make of motorcycle. We've been advocating for motorcyclists' rights for years, and are excited to welcome you into our organization.
We stay current on legislative issues of concern to motorcyclists and pass legislative information unto our membership. With your help, we can have a strong legislative voice at the Capitol and in Washington DC.
Our mission is to promote fair legislation by monitoring the government on all levels regarding issues affecting motorcyclists, and promoting positive issues and countering issues that have a negative affect on motorcycling
2024 is the second session of the 74th General Assembly. The regular session convened on Wednesday, January 10th and gavels out on Wednesday, May 8th. An interim session continues from the end of the regular session until the start of the next regular session. The Colorado Legislature consists of 35 Senators and 65 Representatives. Senators are elected for four-year terms with half of the Senators elected every two years and can serve no more than two consecutive terms. Representatives are elected for two-year terms and can serve for no more than four consecutive terms. A candidate for the General Assembly must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the district he/she wishes to represent for at least 12 months before the election.
Find your Legislators
While there are many ways to find out who your Legislators are, I’ll mention one way that seems to be the easiest way.
Colorado Legislature Website - http://leg.colorado.gov. This is my preferred way, mainly because I use this website a lot and it’s sure to be accurate. Enter this website, then at the top, right of the home page, click on “Find My Legislator”. Enter your address information in the search bar located on the top, left side of the map and click the search button. Your Colorado State Legislators will appear.
Congressional Legislators - https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members. Enter this website, then type in your address. Your Senators and Representative will appear.?
Contacting Your Legislators
· Write and send email or letter
o Make it short – one page is plenty
o State if you are a constituent
o State your concern (pro or con; Support or Oppose)
o Give your reasons (if so inclined) do not try to be an expert unless you are!
o Include return information and ask for a reply
· Make a phone call:
o Call legislators at their offices or homes
o Tell them your name and where you live
o Briefly say why you are calling (reference to legislation, bill #, etc.)
o Be polite – speak slowly – maintain composure
o Keep it short
o If you reach voice mail, leave a message using the same as above
o Thank them for their time
Name District Party Cap. Phone # Email
Baisley, Mark 4 R 303-866-4877 mark.baisley@senate.co.com
Bridges, Jeff 26 D 303-866-4846 jeff.bridges.senate@coleg.gov
Buckner, Janet 29 D 303-866-3432 janet.buckner.senate@coleg.gov
Coleman, James 33 D 303-866-4864 james.coleman.senate@coleg.gov Cutter, Lisa 20 D 303-866-4859 lisa.cutter.senate@coleg.gov
Danielson, Jessie 22 D 303-866-4856 jessie.danielson.senate@coleg.gov Exum, Tony 11 D 303-866-6364 tony.exum.senate@coleg.gov Fenberg, Steve 18 D 303-866-4872 stephen.fenberg.senate@coleg.gov
Fields, Rhonda 28 D 303-866-4879 rhonda.fields.senate@coleg.gov Gardner, Bob 12 R 303-866-4880 bob.gardner.senate@coleg.gov Ginal, Joann 14 D 303-866-4841 joann.ginal.senate@coleg.gov Gonzales, Julie 34 D 303-866-4862 julie.gonzales.senate@coleg.gov
Hansen, Chris 31 D 303-866-4861 chris.hansen.senate@coleg.gov Hinrichsen, Nick 3 D 303-866-4878 nick.hinrichsen.senate@coleg.gov
Jaquez Lewis, Sonya 17 D 303-866-5291 sonya.jaquez.lewis.senate@coleg.gov
Kirkmeyer, Barbara 23 R 303-866-4876 barbara.kirkmeyer.senate@coleg.gov Kolker, Chris 16 D 303-866-4883 chris.kolker.senate@coleg.gov Liston, Larry 10 R 303-866-2737 larry.liston.senate@coleg.gov
Lundeen, Paul 9 R 303-866-4835 paul.lundeen.senate@coleg.gov
Marchman, Janice 15 D 303-866-4853 janice.marchman.senate@coleg.gov Michaelson Jenet, 21 D 303-866-4857 dafna.michaelson.jenet.senate@coleg.gov
Mullica, Kyle 24 D 303-866-4451 kyle.mullica.senate@coleg.gov Pelton, Byron 1 R 303-866-6360 byron.pelton.senate@coleg.gov
Pelton, Rod 35 R 303-866-4884 rod.pelton.senate@coleg.gov Priola, Kevin 13 D 303-866-4855 kevin.priola.senate@coleg.gov Rich, Janice 7 R 303-866-3077 janicerichsd7@gmail.com Roberts, Dylan 8 D 303-866-4871 dylan.roberts.senate@coleg.gov Rodriguez, Robert 32 D 303-866-4852 robert.rodriguez.senate@coleg.gov
Simpson, Cleave 6 R 303-866-4875 cleave.simpson.senate@coleg.gov Smallwood, Jim 2 R 303-866-4869 SenatorSmallwood@gmail.com Sullivan, Tom 27 D 303-866-4873 tom.sullivan.senate@coleg.gov Van Winkle, Kevin 30 R 303-866-4881 kevin.vanwinkle.senate@coleg.gov Will, Perry 5 R 303-866-5292 perry.will.senate@coleg.gov Winter, Faith 25 D 303-866-4863 faith.winter.senate@coleg.gov Zenzinger, Rachel 19 D 303-866-4840 senatorrachelz@gmail.com
Name District Party Cap. Phone # Email
Amabile, Judy 49 D 303-866-2578 judy.amabile.house@coleg.gov Armagost, Ryan 64 R 303-866-2906 ryan.armagost.house@coleg.gov Bacon, Jennifer 7 D 303-866-2909 jennifer.bacon.house@coleg.gov Bird, Shannon 29 D 303-866-2843 shannon.bird.house@coleg.gov Bockenfeld, Rod 56 R 303-866-2912 rod.bockenfeld.house@coleg.gov
Boesenecker, Andrew 53 D 303-866-2917 andrew.boesenecker.house@coleg.gov
Bottoms, Scott 15 R 303-866-5525 scott.bottoms.house@coleg.gov Bradfield, Mary 21 R 303-866-2946 mary.bradfield.house@coleg.gov Bradley, Brandi 39 R 303-866-2935 brandi.bradley.house@coleg.gov Brown, Kyle 12 D 303-866-2920 kyle.brown.house@coleg.gov Catlin, Marc 58 R 303-866-2955 marc.catlin.house@coleg.gov
Clifford, Chad 37 D 303-866-5510 chad.clifford.house@coleg.gov
Daugherty, Lindsey 24 D 303-866-2950 lindsey.daugherty.house@coleg.gov DeGraaf, Ken 22 R 303-866-2927 ken.degraaf.house@coleg.gov deGruy Kennedy, Chris 30 D 303-866-2951 chris.kennedy.house@coleg.gov v Duran, Monica 23 D 303-866-5522 monica.duran.house@coleg.gov
English, Regina 17 D 303-866-3069 regina.english.house@coleg.gov Epps, Elisabeth 6 D 303-866-2911 elisabeth.epps.house@coleg.gov Evans, Gabe 48 R 303-866-2943 gabe.evans.house@coleg.gov Frizell, Lisa 45 R 303-866-2948 lisa.frizell.house@coleg.gov Froelich, Meg 3 D 303-866-2921 meg.froelich.house@coleg.gov Garcia, Lorena 35 D 303-866-2964 lorena.garcia.house@coleg.gov
Hamrick, Eliza 61 D 303-866-3706 eliza.hamrick.house@coleg.gov Hartsook, Anthony 44 R 303-866-2933 anthony.hartsook.house@coleg.gov
Hernandez, Tim 4 D 303-866-2954 tim.hernandez.house@coleg.gov
Herod, Leslie 8 D 303-866-2959 leslie.herod.house@coleg.gov Holtorf, Richard 63 R 303-866-2398 richard.holtorf.house@coleg.gov Jodeh, Iman 41 D 303-866-2919 Iman.Jodeh.house@coleg.gov Joseph, Junie 10 D 303-866-2915 junie.joseph.house@coleg.gov Kipp, Cathy 52 D 303-866-4569 cathy.kipp.house@coleg.gov Lieder, Sheila 28 D 303-866-2939 sheila.lieder.house@coleg.gov
Lindsay, Mandy 42 D 303-866-3911 mandy.lindsay.house@coleg.gov Lindstedt, William 33 D 303-866-4667 william.lindstedt.house@coleg.gov Luck, Stephanie 60 R 303-866-2905 stephanie.luck.house@coleg.gov Lukens, Meghan 26 D 303-866-2923 meghan.lukens.house@coleg.gov Lynch, Mike 65 R 303-866-2907 mike.lynch.house@coleg.gov Mabrey, Javier 1 D 303-866-2966 javier.mabrey.house@coleg.gov Marshall, Bob 43 D 303-866-2936 bob.marshall.house@coleg.gov Martinez, Matthew 62 D 303-866-2916 matthew.martinez.house@coleg.gov
Marvin, Julia 31 D 303-866-2918 julia.marvin.house@coleg.gov
Mauro, Tisha 46 D 303-866-2968 tisha.mauro.house@coleg.gov
McCluskie, Julie 13 D 303-866-2952 Julie.Mccluskie.house@coleg.gov McCormick, Karen 11 D 303-866-2780 karen.mccormick.house@coleg.gov McLachlan, Barbara 59 D 303-866-2914 barbara.mclachlan.house@coleg.gov
Ortiz, David 38 D 303-866-2953 David.Ortiz.house@coleg.gov Parenti, Jennifer 19 D 303-866-2924 jennifer.parenti.house@coleg.gov Pugliese, Rose 14 R 303-866-2965 rose.pugliese.house@coleg.gov Ricks, Naquetta 40 D 303-866-2944 Naquetta.Ricks.house@coleg.gov
Rutinel, Manny 32 D 303-866-2945 manny.rutinel.house@coleg.gov Sirota, Emily 9 D 303-866-2910 emily.sirota.house@coleg.gov Snyder, Marc 18 D 303-866-2932 marc.snyder.house@coleg.gov Soper, Matt 54 R 303-866-2583 matthew.soper.house@coleg.gov Story, Tammy 25 D 303-866-2582 tammy.story.house@coleg.gov
Taggart, Rick 55 R 303-866-3068 rick.taggart.house@coleg.gov Titone, Brianna 27 D 303-866-2962 brianna.titone.house@coleg.gov Valdez, Alex 5 D 303-866-2925 alex.valdez.house@coleg.gov Velasco, Elizabeth 57 D 303-866-2949 elizabeth.velasco.house@coleg.gov Vigil, Stephanie 16 D 303-866-2937 stephanie.vigil.house@coleg.gov Weinberg, Ron 51 R 303-866-2947 ron.weinberg.house@coleg.gov Weissman, Mike 36 D 303-866-2942 mike.weissman.house@coleg.gov Willford, Jenny 34 D 303-866-2931 jenny.willford.house@coleg.gov Wilson, Don 20 R 303-866-2191 don.wilson.house@coleg.gov Winter, Ty 47 R 303-866-2747 ty.winter.house@coleg.gov Woodrow, Steven 2 D 303-866-2967 steven.woodrow.house@coleg.gov Young, Mary 50 D 303-866-2929 mary.young.house@coleg.gov
Once a bill has been drafted, the first step is introducing the bill in the originating chamber. This is when the bill is given a number along with the year. House Bills have 4-digit numbers starting at 1001 and Senate Bills have 3-digits starting at 001 (ex. – HB23-1001 & SB23-001). The bill is read by the House Clerk or the Secretary of the Senate, then assigned to a committee by the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate.
The second step is a committee hearing and vote which may include testimonies and amendments. The Chairperson of the committee sets the date for the hearing for each bill. After discussion and testimony, a vote is taken and reported. There are 4 possible conclusions to the hearing: 1) recommended for passage (passed) and forwarded to the originating chamber (now called Committee of the Whole); 2) passed and forwarded to another committee (ex. – the bill contains a fiscal note so it has to go to the Appropriations Committee); 3) postponed indefinitely (PI’d or basically killed in committee); or 4) laid over for more discussion and a vote at a later date. A committee report is written with the result of the vote at the end of the hearing.
After the bill passes the assigned committees, it goes to the Committee of the Whole for a 2nd Reading, which may include debate and amendments, followed by a voice vote on the bill. If passed, the bill is then scheduled for a 3rd Reading in the same chamber for possibly more debate and/or amendments, followed by a recorded vote.
If the bill passes both the 2nd and 3rd Readings, it goes to the other chamber for the same scenario (1st Reading; assignment to a committee; committee hearing, vote and report; and 2nd and 3rd Readings). If the bill passed the 2nd chamber without any amendments and doesn’t have a referendum clause, it’s sent to the Governor. If it has a referendum clause, it’s put on the ballot on Election Day.
If the 2nd chamber made any amendments, the originating chamber can accept or reject the changes. If accepted and the bill has no referendum clause, it’s sent to the Governor. If the amended bill is accepted and has a referendum clause, it’s held for the voters on election day.
If the originating chamber rejects the changes, the prime sponsor, with the approval of the full chamber, may request a Conference Committee be appointed to iron out the differences. A Conference Committee is composed of 3 members from each chamber with 2 from the majority party and 1 from the minority party. If the Conference Committee reaches an agreement, the report is sent to both chambers. If acceptable to both chambers, it’s sent to the Governor if no referendum clause or held for the election day if it has a referendum clause.
When the bill comes to the Governor, he has 3 options: 1) sign the bill and it becomes law; 2) fail to sign the bill within 10 days during session or within 30 days if the General Assembly is adjourned and it becomes law; or 3) veto the bill. If vetoed, the bill can be “re-passed” by a 2/3 majority in both chambers.
Helped defeat mandatory helmet legislation in Colorado
Successfully lobbied in Washington, DC on behalf of Colorado motorcyclists for repeal of Sec. 153 ISTEA penalties
Supported legislation for self-funded rider education (1990)
Worked to ensure motorcyclists are not denied health care benefits (1996)
Worked to establish Motorcycle Veterans license plates (2005)
Lobbied in Washington, DC for the passage of SAFE-TEA LU bill (2005)
Promoted legislation allowing Military to qualify as residents for rider education tuition (M.O.S.T.) subsidy (2007)
Promoted and lobbied legislation for 3 wheel endorsement (2008)
Worked with Legislators to save the M.O.S.T. program (2012)
Worked to ensure free access for motorcycles to all HOV lanes in Colorado (2016)
Lobbied and got passed a "Dead-Red" bill for motorcyclists (2019)
Lobbied and got passed a statute to redefine a motorcycle to separate it from autocycles (2022)
ABATE of Colorado
Abate Of Colorado Exists To Preserve Freedom Of The Road, To Unite Motorcyclists, To Promote Fair Legislation, Safety, And Rider Education And To Provide A Network For Communication On Issues Affecting Motorcyclists.
AURORA, CO 80011
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